document.write('Valladares, F., and B. Guzmán-Asenjo. 2006. Canopy structure and spatial heterogeneity of light in two understory layers of abandoned Holm oak forests. Annals of Forest Science (in press).') document.write('Valladares, F. 2003. El ambiente lumínico de los sotobosques ibéricos. Quercus (en prensa). ') document.write('Valladares, F. 2003. Light heterogeneity and plants: from ecophysiology to species coexistence and biodiversity. Page 439-471 in: K. Esser, U. Lüttge, W. Beyschlag , and F. Hellwig edit. Progress in Botany. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.') document.write('Valladares, F., L. Balaguer, R. De La Cruz, A. Suarez, E. Perez-Corona, and E. Manrique. 2003. Canopy light interception and three-dimensional spatial distribution of biomass, photosynthetic pigments and nutrients in four Mediterranean shrublands on a rocky slope. Journal of Vegetation Science (in prep.). ') document.write('Valladares, F., J. M. Chico, I. Aranda, L. Balaguer, P. Dizengremel, E. Manrique, and E. Dreyer. 2002. Greater high light seedling tolerance of Quercus robur over Fagus sylvatica is linked to a greater physiological plasticity. Trees, structure and function 16: 395-403.') document.write('Valladares, F., and R. W. Pearcy. 2002. Drought can be more critical in the shade than in the sun: a field study of carbon gain and photoinhibition in a Californian shrub during a dry El Nińo year. Plant Cell and environment 25: 749-759.') document.write('Valladares, F., J. Skillman, and R. W. Pearcy. 2002. Convergence in light capture efficiencies among tropical forest understory plants with contrasting crown architectures: a case of morphological compensation. American Journal of Botany 89: 1275-1284.')