Team and collaborators
      Ecology and Global change group
      Photo album
Photo Album
Ernesto Gianoli de la Universidad de Concepción, Chile, during a visit to the study site at el Parque Natural del Alto Tajo en Mayo de 2007.
Fernando Valladares carrying a meteorological station at Parque Natural del Alto Tajo december 2006
Owen Atking and Joana Zaragoza-Castells during a cold winter campaign at Parque Natural del Alto Tajo in decembre 2006
Teresa Gimeno and Joana Zaragoza-Castells during a cold winter campaign at Parque Natural del Alto Tajo in decembre 2006.
Adrian Escudero and Silvia Matesanz studying fragmentation and degradation of gypsum communities at Belinchon, december 2004.
Silvia Matesanz working with gypsum plants at the glasshouse of CCMA-CSIC, april 2004.
Photo of the team in the summer 2004 in a Hola oak forest in Parque Natural del Alto Tajo (Guadalajara)
June 2004. Installing a microclimatic station in Alto Tajo Natural Park (Guadalajara). Bob Pearcy (right) and Fernando Valladares (left)..
May 2004. Measuring radiation and fluorescente in Lluc (Mallorca) with Luis Santamaría (derecha) and Anna Traveset.
Julio 2003. Birch-beech forest in Urkiola (Vizcaya). (from right to left) Adrian Escudero, Txemi Olano, NereAmaia and Fernando Valladares.
June 2003. Transplanting Mediterranean oaks in Enguera (Valencia). (from left to right) Christophe Beaujouan, Samuel Pineau, Jorge, Daniela Brites, Inma Santos and Fernando Valladares.
July 2002. Alcornocales Natural Park (Cádiz-Málaga). Ülo Niinemets (right) and Fernando Valladares.
June 2002. Sierra Nevada National Park. Measuirng photosynthesis with (from left to right) Jorge Castro, Jose Antonio Hódar, Regino Zamora and Lorena Gómez (center).

August 1999. Measuring chlorophyll fluorescence in the UCM nurseries. (from right to left) Rubén Sanz, Cristina García-Pérez and Iker Dobarro.
May 2002. Studying herbaceous communities on motorway slopes in Costa del Sol (Málaga). (from right to left) David Tena, Libertad G. Hernández, Luis Balaguer and Marga Costa.

Abril 2001. Alcornocales Natural Park. (from left to right) Miguel Angel Zavala, Teodoro Marañón and Fernando Valladares
Prof. Dr. Fernando Valladares Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales CSIC .
Serrano 115 dpdo.E-28006 Madrid. Spain
Phone 34 917452500 ext 988120. Fax 34 915640800
e-mail: [email protected]
Creación web: Wainadur Paginas Web